




Perhaps because of my experience working for a venture company, I have recently been asked by a venture company to consult on setting up an HR department. The most recent company is troubled by a resignation rate hovering at 20%; a high turnover rate, where everyone is gone in five years, seems to have considerably reduced management efficiency.


One of the reasons given by those who joined the company was that there seemed to be more to learn in a venture company than in a large company, but this is a big mistake. Venture companies offer opportunities to learn, but they do not provide an environment for learning. In short, you need to stick your head to things you don't know.


This misconception turned out to be due to all the glib talk during the hiring interviews and stood quickly corrected. As a result, the resignation rate improved, but the rate of passing the hiring interview dropped at the same time. But this is an unavoidable effort to improve the company.